To install either or both city files for Windows unzip and place the files(s) in '.\.\SimCity 3000 Unlimited\Cities\'.

Thanks to providing a directory of SimCity Knowledge Tree Cheats. Thanks to generating the new file which I then terra-formed, and which she then tweaked the extra funding into. The new file includes a coastline on which the desalinization water pump will work and for creating functional seaports, includes a bit of vertical terraforming in one corner, but is otherwise flat and blank. To enable all Rewards use Ctrl + Shift + Alt + C and type 'pay tribute to your king' in the cheat box. Note: Some rewards may not appear as they are triggered by reaching a certain amount of funds. The new file is clear of any other modification which may interfere with the operation of the simulator so is a better example for those more interested in learning how to 'play' SC3U. It is also a 'trainer' in that it starts with 1,000,000,000 in funds, but you must 'earn' the rewards as you build and manage the city. The new file (V2) is more for the gaming aspect, it is a fresh-started city without any of the goodies 'cheated' into the game. The original file does not have a coastline which is required for use of the desalinization water pump and for creating seaports. The original file is intended for the purpose of introduction to the complete set of goodies in the SC3U game, and to make it easy to get started using all the features, especially for focus on creativity. It is a file that I re-edited and works as intended, a flat blank tile with unlimited simoleons, but after I heavily terra-formed the map and began building a city, I noticed some inconsistent behaviors of the simulation which may be the result of it being optimized as a 'trainer' with all buildings and ordinances available. The original file is still in the package. There are now 2 files in this package which I will refer to as the 'original' and the 'new' file(s).